9K203.ZIP 9k version control update v2.xx to v2.03
A2FILE.ZIP Save Clipper Arrays to File.
ACDISP.ZIP Report Viewer for FoxPro v2.5b - Shareware
ACH2TB.ZIP FT_ACH2TB() - TBrowse replacement of Achoice
ADL12.ZIP ADL Toolkit 1.2.
AHP142.ZIP AHELP5 1.42: distributed by MicroFox Company. Advanced Help & Index Library for Clipper 5.x AHELP 1.42: MicroFox distributes exclusively. Advanced Help Library for Clipper Summer '87.
ARCVIE13.ZIP ArcView 1.30 View archives with Clipper 5.01
ARR2FI.ZIP Save Clipper Arrays To Disc, Also STOD() Fun
ASEX.ZIP Protected Mode Update For Switch-ASE V2.6
BACKUP.ZIP Backup Insidide Clipper 5.2
BANDIT.ZIP BandIT - Exopatible Patch
BANDOC.ZIP BandIt Complete Information From User Guide.
BASVRN.ZIP Vern Six' basic Clipper Library - PD - some metafunctions for other add-ons included (TP,Comix,FlexFile,Nanfor)
BCNN0194.ZIP Boston Clipper Newsletter 01/94
BCNN0394.ZIP Boston Clipper Newsletter 03/94
BCNN0494.ZIP Boston Clipper Newsletter 04/94.
BCNN0595.ZIP Boston Clipper Newsletter 05/95
BCNN0793.ZIP Boston Clipper Newsletter 07/93
BCNN0794.ZIP Boston Clipper Newsletter 07/94
BCNN0893.ZIP Boston Clipper Newsletter 08/93
BCNN0993.ZIP Boston Clipper Newsletter 09/93
BCNN0994.ZIP BCNN - Clipper Newsletter 09/94
BCNN1093.ZIP Boston Clipper Newsletter 10/93
BCNN1193.ZIP Boston Clipper Newsletter 11/93
BCNN1293.ZIP Boston Clipper-Newsletter 12/93
BCSAPR.ZIP BCS April '94 Meeting On OOP - Source
BEACON.ZIP Radio Beacon: The RF Handheld Library
BEECHL.ZIP Beechlib - Memo and encryption Lib - Shareware
BILDR20A.ZIP Builder 2.0 is a code generator and function library which makes deveoping professional Clipper systems faster and easier. Builder creates easy to use mouseable program source code and report source code. Includes
BILDR20B.ZIP Builder 2.0 is a code generator and function library which makes deveoping professional Clipper systems faster and easier. Builder creates easy to use mouseable program source code and report source code. Includes
BILDR20C.ZIP Builder 2.0 is a code generator and function library which makes deveoping professional Clipper systems faster and easier. Builder creates easy to use mouseable program source code and report source code. Includes
BINCHO.ZIP Searches Arrays Quickly
BIOSIN.ZIP Small Utilities Written In Clipper
BKPDIN.ZIP BecknerLib - PD (Includes)
BKPDLI.ZIP BecknerLib - PD (Lib File)
BKPDNO.ZIP BecknerLib - PD (Notice/Text)
BKPDSR.ZIP BecknerLib - PD (Source Code)
BKPDUT.ZIP BecknerLib - PD (Utilities)
BLIGPF.ZIP BliGPF v1.02 - Blinker 3.x MAP Utility
BNDINF.ZIP BandIt 1.0 Product Information
BOXIT.ZIP Nanfor-Lib: FT_XBOX() Modified
BROLNK.ZIP BroPlus V2.50 Demo - Linkable Files
BROPLS.ZIP BroPlus V2.50 Demo Of The Power Browser W/Multiple RDD-Support (.EXE)
CALC22.ZIP Calculator V2.2 For Clipper 5.X (English/Spanish/German)
CAUSEWAY.ZIP press release: CAUSEWAY - new 386based DOS-E
CDXUS30.ZIP New DBFCDX.LIB file v3.00 from CIS Clipper Forum to correct numerous problems with the Clipper 5.2 DBFCDX RDD.
CED21B.ZIP CED v2.1b - The Clipper Environment
CH251.ZIP ClipHelp V2.51 Context Sensitive Color <F1> Help Libs - Shareware
CHISEL.ZIP chiseled border box code with shadow
CHKARG.ZIP CheckArg V1.0 - Type Checking Based On Hungarian Notation
CL-NODE.FRM CLN - ClipperNet Node Application Form
CL-POL-D.009 CLN - ClipperNet Policy No. 9, May 10th, 199 - German Version
CL-ROUTE.TXT CLN/ClipperNet Routing Map As Of Tuesday, Ma 10th, 1994
CLFILES.ZIP List Of Frequestable Clipper-Files From CLN-H
CLIPBT.ZIP ClipButtons Library - Shareware
CLIPBTN.ZIP ClipButtons Library for Clipper 5.x
CLIPTIPS.ZIP Collection of files from various BBS's which provide tips on programming in Clipper.
CLIPUG.ZIP CA-Clipper Recognized User Groups : 10/19/93 CA-Clipper Recognized User Group List Date: 10/19/93 Expires: 11/18/93 Listing of CA-Clipper Recognized and/or Supported User Groups in .NG (Norton Guides) format.
CLPBBS.ZIP Clipper/Xbase oriented BBSs list v008 Clipper/Xbase oriented BBSs List Version 008 Expires: 10/30/93 Listing of CA-Clipper & Xbase oriented BBSs. These include Users Groups, Vendors, and Privately Operated
CLPOS2.ZIP Clipper function to allow opening another OS
CLPTOD.ZIP Convert Clipper Programs To DBase For Window Style
CLPVAR.ZIP CLIPVAR.EXE - a utility to save you time!
CLUG0194.ZIP CLIPUG.ZIP CA-Clipper User Group Directory Date: 01/03/94 Expires: 02/01/94 Listing of CA-Clipper User Groups in .NG [Norton Guides] format. Provided by Computer Associates, Int.
CLUG0694.ZIP Clipper/VO User Group Directory Date: 06/03/94 Expires: 07/03/94 Listing of CA-Clipper and CA-Visual Objects User Group Directory in .NG [Norton Guides] format. Provided by Computer Associates, Int.
CLUG0994.ZIP Clipper/VO User Group Directory Date: 09/06/94 Expires: 10/06/94 Listing of CA-Clipper and CA-Visual Objects User Group Directory in .NG [Norton Guides] format. Provided by Computer Associates, Int.
CLWISHNG.ZIP v1.0 of wish list for future Clipper
CLXMS.ZIP ClipXMS v1.10 working demo - use either XMS or EMS for Clipper
COLORS.ZIP Color Control function, source - Shareware
DEBIN.ZIP DEBIN v1.1 - list Clipper 5.x object Files w
DECLARE.ZIP Multi-Edit CMAC Macro for Clipper 5.x - declare variables LOCAL/STATIC etc.
DEFLT.ZIP Default Arguments, Ala C++ In Function Statement- Include File
DELAYR.ZIP Run Any Codeblock On A Deferred Schedule (Needs Nanfor.Lib)
DGE50D.ZIP DGE 5.0c To 5.0d Update Patch
DGROUP.ZIP DGROUP - Info And Functions
DIRFUN.ZIP function to create/remove multi-level direct
DMFREE.ZIP Vern Six' Demomakr.Lib - PD
DOTS11.ZIP Echo Dots When Keying Password
DSFREE.ZIP Vern Six' Screen Designer - PD
DW4.ZIP The Data-Wire Four is a Foxpro procedure desi to verify databases quickly and easily. In essence, the programmer executes DW4, gene program. When executed, this program verifie exist and have the correct field layouts. St
EASYLET.ZIP EasyLet Mail merge and letter generation utility. Create letters, lables, envelopes, postal bar code, letterhead, and even include PCX images. Control HP laserjets and Dot matrix printers from within your application.
ENCRYP.ZIP password an file encryption Library - Sharew
EVALTI.ZIP Time Drive Codeblock
EVENTS11.ZIP Events 1.1 - Libreria para Clipper 5.x que pe a travs del gestor de eventos del Clipper.
EXACT.ZIP Overcome Clipper's Float Point Math Comparison Headaches - Source
EXETYPE.ZIP ExeType 1.0C - Windows ExeType Conversor Convertido a partir de un fuente de Antonio L permite alterar la versin de un ejecutable W De esta manera podemos usar el link 5.10 con fivewin.lib
EXOANG.ZIP CA-ExoSpace API In Norton Guides (.NG) Format
EXOGET.ZIP ExoSpace V1.0f-1 Update And ..GET..PICT "@K" Fix
EXOGPF.ZIP ExoGPF v1.01 - Extract ExoSpace GPF
EZ_DB.ZIP easy to use software database utility
FAQ101.ZIP Frequently Asked Questions For CA-Clipper
FAST320.ZIP FAST.library 3.20 evaluation version. Includes .lib files and .ng in English and Spanish.
FASTGT15.ZIP * FastGt 1.5 Library * FastGt is a powerful graphic replacement for standard text based terminal GT.OBJ module. Changes in your code are minumun, FastGt do the work. Include all functions to make your programms mouse-aware.
FASTGTDE.ZIP * FastGt 1.5 Library Demo * Demo showing FastGT 1.5 capabilities. Include *lot* of FastGt icons
FGL_V12.ZIP Ferns' Graphics Library Versie 1.2.Grafische VGA/SuperVGA en Hicolor Library ! Ondersteunt modes tot 1024x768 in 256 kleuren.Uitgebreide Norton Guide documentatie. Veel handige funkties + SAY en GET support.Zeer mooi en
FIXAR3.ZIP NanforLib v2.1 - FT_SAVEARR fix
FIXV2.ZIP FixDBF v2.12
FLOPTS.ZIP Nanfor Lib: Flopts.prg - a replacement for Floptst.asm
FN_NDI.ZIP NanforLib : FN_NDIR() - Novell directory function
FOXSQZ.ZIP Compression utility for FoxPro 2.x for DOS and Windows.
FP220.ZIP Frankie Lib V2.10->V2.20 Update Patch For Reg. Users
FP221.ZIP Frankie Lib V2.20->V2.21 Update Patch For Reg. Users
FP_STR.ZIP Fp string: Convert Numeric Value to String.
FRANK.ZIP Frankie Lib of mouseable user Interface Engi
FRANKG.ZIP Frankie 2.1 NG Database File
FRANKLIB.ZIP The Library Of Mouse User Interface Engines For Ca-Clipper
FRANKN.ZIP Frankie v2.1 Newsletter
FRANKR.ZIP Frankie v2.1 Reference
FS32DEMO.ZIP FAST.library 3.20 demo program. This file includes a big demo of FAST.lib. All source code included.
FS32FLI.ZIP FAST.library 3.20 demo program. This file includes an Autodesk Animator Player created with Clipper and FAST.lib. Includes all source code.
FS32FONT.ZIP FAST.library 3.20 demo program. This file includes a lot of fonts for FAST.lib.
FS32GIF.ZIP FAST.library 3.20 demo program. This files contains a GIF viewer created with Clipper and FAST.lib. Includes all source code.
FS32ICON.ZIP FAST.library 3.20 demo program. This file contains an icon editor created with Clipper and FAST.lib. Includes all source code.
FS32INST.ZIP FAST.library 3.20 demo program. This file includes a program instalator created with Clipper and FAST.lib. Includes all source code.
FS32MAKE.ZIP FAST.library 3.20 demo program. This file includes rmk files for several linkers.
FS32PRN.ZIP FAST.library 3.20 demo program. A printer queue manager created with Clipper and FAST.lib. Includes all source code.
FS32TERM.ZIP FAST.library 3.20 demo program. A communications terminal created with Clipper and FAST.lib. Includes all source code.
FS32VIR.ZIP FAST.library 3.20 demo program. A virus scanner created with Clipper and FAST.lib. Includes all source code.
FTMOD.ZIP Nanfor Lib: Enhanced Version Of FT_XBOX - FT
FTOOL.ZIP NanforLib v2.1 submission: replacement for C
FUNKYP.ZIP FUNky 2.02. Final installment patch for protected mode.
FUN_EX.ZIP Shows FUNCky fOpen() crashes with ExoSpace
FW16.ZIP Fivewin 1.6/SW
FWBORL.ZIP FiveWin 1.2 Demo. Using Borland dialog boxes
FWBROW.ZIP FiveWin 1.2 Demo. Tbrowse Object and some FX
FWVIDEO.ZIP FiveWin 1.2 Demo. Video capabilities for Cli
GASE.ZIP Clipper TSR Mimicing SideKick (Needs Grumpfish/Switch-ASE)
GETBOX.ZIP NanforLib v2.1 submission: Get a string usin
GETIT.ZIP Getit Lib functions
GETPP.ZIP Get System Replacement - GETSYSPP.PRG By Joh Kaster
GETS2.ZIP GETS2.OBJ - Fixes ...GET...PICT "@K" Protected Mode Problem With DOS Extenders Like Blinker/Causeway
GETS52.ZIP GETLIST Jumping With & W/O GETSYS Modifications
GETSET.ZIP Pre-Processor Command To Define Get/Set Blocks For Any Variable (Needs Nanfor.Lib)
GOBLIN.ZIP Goblin 1.0 - Graphic object library for interface construction for FoxPro and C/C++ in Microsoft Windows environment. A powerful and simple graphic tool to make graphic user interface programming easy. It offers you
GP25.ZIP GPLIB 2.56. Networking library for FoxPro DOS/Win.
GSDGPF.ZIP GsdGPInstall() for ExoSpace and Blinker 3.x
GSR162.ZIP GSR V1.62 - Global Search And Replace On Any File (Shareware By Phil Barnett)
GT10.EXE FastGT 1.0. The graphic terminal for Clipper
GTDEMO1.EXE A demo of FastGT 1.0. Allows to implement a
GTDEMO2.ZIP Another demo of FastGT. Allows to create dia
GTGRPH.ZIP Demo de terminal grafico para Clipper 5.x
GT_LIB.ZIP GT_LIB.ARJ - Library file for the GT Clipper All of the code found in the GT Clipper L placed in the PUBLIC DOMAIN by the respec Please feel free to modify the code, but up with anything interesting please let t and
GT_NG.ZIP GT_NG.ARJ - Norton Guide files for the GT Cli All of the code found in the GT Clipper L placed in the PUBLIC DOMAIN by the respec Please feel free to modify the code, but up with anything interesting please let t and
GT_OBJ.ZIP GT_OBJ.ARJ - Object files for the GT Clipper Clipper files compiled with Clip All of the code found in the GT Clipper L placed in the PUBLIC DOMAIN by the respec Please feel free to modify the code, but up with anything
GT_SRC.ZIP GT_SOURCE.ARJ - Source files for the GT Clipp All of the code found in the GT Clipper L placed in the PUBLIC DOMAIN by the respec Please feel free to modify the code, but up with anything interesting please let t and
GWASS230.ZIP Ghostlib Assistant for Multi-edit v2.3 Menu driven programming and more...
ISDIR.ZIP ISDIR.PRG works with SUBST'ed DOS 6 dirs
ISNET.ZIP Fix for Netto.Lib: FN_ISNET
KDEMOA.ZIP Klipper Lib Demo Programs
KITDEM45.ZIP The dMILL All-Networks Productivity Kit for Clipper will SHARPLY boost your multi-user quality, productivity, AND FUN!!! It solves 100% of your network-INDEPENDENT problems. RESULTS OR ELSE: UNCONDITIONAL MONEY-BACK
KLIPCH.ZIP Klipper Library Include Files
KS94AN.ZIP Klipper FREEWARE Library for Clipper 5.x Spring '94 Rev A.
KS94BN.ZIP The Klipper Freeware Library For Clipper, Spring '94 Rev.B
LDAY.ZIP Nanfor Lib: FT_LDAY() with day of week parameter
LIGHTLIB.ZIP Light Lib CA-Visual Objects and CA-Clipper 5.x add-on product information
LISTST.ZIP Call Stack Listing Function
LJP3FW.ZIP HP Laser Jet III / PCL 5 print driver
LLSS.ZIP Linear Least-Squared-Error Regression Analysis (Needs Nanfor.Lib)
LNGMUL.ZIP Multilingual Programming (Embedded In Your P
MAXWOR.ZIP Finds Longest Word In A String And Returns Its Length
MDOCH.ZIP Multi-Doc Descriptive File: Clipper 2 Help T
ME70.ZIP Multi-Edit demo is truly a FULLY FUNCTIONAL copy of one of the best Programer's Editors on the market. The Evolve Macro Package adds special support for xBase (Clipper, FoxPro, dBase, Arago) ANY SIZE FILE may be loaded,
MEMLIB.ZIP Memo Library
MEMOMOUS.ZIP Example of MemoEdit, using NanFor Lib 2.1
MINI120.ZIP Mini Library 1.20 - El Acelerador de Clipper / /\ / ///\ / // \ __ .20 (c) 1993 by Philippe Mingo - made in spain
MINI8610.ZIP Mini x86 1.0 - Int'l version - The fastest co
MIRQ.ZIP CLIPPER S87,5.01,5.2x FUNCTIONS TO RETURN THE MOUSE IRQ - (then you have good idea of COM PORT being used) .and. MOUSE TYPE (SERIAL, BUS, PS/2, INPORT, etc). FREEWARE
MOUSMENU.ZIP Mouse Menu System Uses NanFor & Frankie lib
MRDDEM.ZIP Mr.Debug - The Best CA-Clipper 5.2d Debugger ! - Supporting Class(Y), SIx-Driver And Comix (Demo)
MSWINI.ZIP Full Windows INI File Access From Clipper
MURPHY.ZIP Murphy's law in ASCII and .DBF format
NASE.ZIP Clipper TSR Mimicking SideKick (Need Nanfor.Lib/Switch-ASE)
NB_RND.ZIP random number generator - source PD
NCCLIB.ZIP NCCLib - Source Code
NETLIBPR.ZIP Press release - ExoSpace compatiblity for Ne
NETMOD.ZIP Nanfor Lib: Netmode - keeps track of how your app. opens
NEWGET.ZIP GBrowse and GButton Objects
NEWMERGE.ZIP mail merge system - PD source included (by Phil Barnett)
NGFILES.ZIP List Of NG/EH-Files On Expert Help's Support
NGP320.ZIP NGP v3.20 - the Norton Guides Printer by Pepijn Smits - PD
NGTITL.ZIP NG database title reader w/source
NJ9404.ZIP Clipper Club Of New Jersey - April 1994 Newsletter
NSX501.ZIP SuccessWare NSX Driver. Freeware Release. For
NSX52.ZIP SucessWare NSX RDD For Clipper 5.2. Freeware
NTXDIR.ZIP NTXDIR - DIR showing NTX expression
N_PERS.ZIP persistant attempts to execute codeblock - good for Network testing
OBJPROB.ZIP Objects v2.1 - professional edition - Demo
ODB11.ZIP Object dbase V1.1 For Clipper - Demo Package Shwareware from Germany
ODB11D.ZIP ObjectDB 1.1b -> 1.1d And 1.1c -> 1.1d Patches
OFGINI2.ZIP oFgIni.Lib v2.0 - create and manage .INI Files
ONTICK.ZIP NanforumLib:FT_ONTICK():Exec a Clipper funct
OOPSL2.ZIP OOPS WorkShop (source needs Class(y) or compatible engine)
OS24CL.ZIP OS/2 config files as example for Clipper and
OUTPUT.ZIP Module For Sending Reports To Screen/File (Needs Nanfor.Lib)
OWNER.ZIP why spurious "disk full" errors occur on Net
PATEL.ZIP Great discussion of Clipper vs. FoxPro.
PEGS1.ZIP PEGS Game - source
PICKDA.ZIP Menu Module Allowing User To Set Preferences (Needs Nanfor.Lib)
PKONE.ZIP Interesting Idea For PkZip Macro In Clipper
RPRUN.ZIP Allow BandIt Users To Use The Usual RRUNIN.D
RQB_IT.ZIP Beta Patch for BandIT and RaSQL/B Btrieve RD
RSQV1_11.ZIP Rescue5 - Update Patch To V1.11
S93BSP.EXE SUMMER '93 - Clipper S'87 To Clipper 5.X Cod
S93_107.ZIP Summer '93 Update Patches To V1.07
SAC.ZIP The Foxpro SAC System is a set of programs de the Saguaro Astronomy Club Database. This da and double star objects. This application can access records by a vari memo notes. Foxpro
SCANCHOI.ZIP ScanChoice() Select menu items by content
SCRTIL.ZIP paint 'tiled' pattern on specified screen re
SD100.ZIP Text Screen Designer - generates .com and/or
SEARCH.ZIP a search procedure
SEGURO20.ZIP - Libreria para Clipper que permite marcar un ejecutable (*.EXE) con la informacin que se desee. Se dispone de 5 campos de 45 caracteres de largo en los cuales podra grabar y leer lo que quiera (Max, 45
SET401.ZIP Set4017 - Change CAPS Lock And Other Functions
SETBOX.ZIP Pre-Processor Command To Define Centered Box (Needs Nanfor.Lib)
SHL.ZIP The Shell System is an application that will selected and password protected Foxpro applic by user or application. ASP approved. Note: This is a Foxpro application and requi Contact C&R Business Systems Ltd. Comp
SHROOM24.ZIP SHROOM v2.4 - frees memory for running external programs from Clipper - Shareware
SIX201I.ZIP SIx Driver International Version Patch V2.00.02 To V2.01.01
SNIFFR.ZIP Clipper network traffic analysis via "sniffe
SOSENG.ZIP SOS Engine Show background activity of apps
SPT10B.ZIP Sosso's Professional Tools for CA-Clipper 5.2 Beta version (without documentation) includes: Graphics mouse support in the program without programming, redefined windows with movement, easy browses creation,